Salone del Mobile 2019
A best-of of the Milan Furniture Fair
The "Salone del Mobile" trade fair at the Fiera Milano exhibition centre in Rho is considered one of the most important and largest furniture fairs in the world and took place this year from 9 to 14 April. More than 2,000 designers from all over the world present their latest creations here: From padded furniture to wood, metal and plastic furniture, everything was there again. In addition to more than 300,000 visitors, our designers Julia Mitteregger and Phillip Zipfinger from umdasch Shop Consult were there as trend scouts to inform themselves about the latest trends for their work and to continue to design successful stores.
First of all: The dimensions of the "Salone del Mobile" are enormous; every year the main exhibitions Eurococcina, with the focus on kitchens, and Euroluce, with the focus on light, alternate. This year Euroluce was again in the spotlight - four halls alone were dedicated to this theme. A complex structure consisting of suppliers, curators, exhibitors, showrooms and huge product events will ensure the usual bustle at the fair. The nearby city of Milan is also in a state of exception: over the years, a counter-movement has developed parallel to the trade fair in the city centre. Here, designers and artists rent space in various stores, churches, palaces and apartments and show their works. But also well-known brands and companies that are involved, for example, in the construction of design districts show their extravagant productions in Milan.
One week is almost not enough to get an overall picture in this colourful maze - our trend scouts have tried it in just three days. Many impressions await you now with this comprehensive summary of the trends, which can be implemented especially on retail spaces. So which design trends will define this current year 2019?
Show your colours
We start in the showroom of a proven supplier of umdasch The Store Makers. Immediately a main mood of the fair becomes recognizable here: the colour. Pantone shades, preferably in "coral", the colour of the year 2019, will play a major role this year. Colour families may now appear together, "tone in tone" becomes a stylistic element ...
... but also bright colours and colour blocking are allowed. In addition to colour, design is also clearly defined by form.

Clear shapes
Vintage was, literally, yesterday. Today, the Arts and Crafts movement and inspirations from the Bauhaus are coming back , a clear formal language with geometric elements is now in. A form that will return again and again at the fair and will certainly accompany us as a trend for a long time to come: The oval - not a "natural" one, however, but constructed geometrically as rectangles and semicircles. This form can also be found in panelling and semicircular rods.
No portal without a bow was to be found at the fair. The oval shape is becoming established in all areas. The "Razzle Dazzle" effect (wildly arranged, black and white stripes), recognizable here as flooring and wallpaper, distorts perception - another trend in 2019.
In addition to the archways, the oval is ideal for table- and seating areas. Also visible in this picture: natural untreated surfaces which, in addition to the colour trends, act as a calming antithesis.
Armchair legs and selected wall elements in natural wood, neither massive nor playful, but simply clear, create an atmosphere of well-being.

Clear geometric shapes are combined with atmospheric colours. As already mentioned, surfaces are often left natural for a harmonious equilibrium. A trend that the Store Makers have already recognised and implemented in the form of foldable furniture for pop-up stores. More on this soon! We'll be back at the trade fair ...

Textiles everywhere
Textiles are generally a big topic: Fabric-covered seating is a visual and haptic experience.
Not only the products themselves make use of the material. Fabrics are also used in large numbers as decorative elements.
The semicircular trend is also picked up by shirred curtains. In all halls, products were staged in front of such room dividers, mostly semi-transparent and in many layers. Either in radiant, warm colours ...
... or as a discreet colour group, tone in tone, the materialised trends are reflected at the fair. Speaking of reflections ...
Mirror, mirror on the wall ...
Another trend at the fair: Mirrors! Again you find the oval, again you show your colours. Mirrors with colour gradients create a special mood and a surreal, slightly dreamy atmosphere.
Mirrors also look great in very simplified versions - here combined with the matching washbasin.
Form follows light
As far as lighting is concerned, there are also clear tendencies: feminine, delicate forms as well as restrained supply cables and carriers that follow the shape of the illuminants. Suspensions are often not clearly recognisable and the eye is playfully tricked.

Ribbed, tinted glass again alludes to the semicircle and dims the light in subtle colour temperatures.

Borrowed visual language
Together with reduced wall graphics, interesting designs are possible, one again finds the play with perception. This idea holds simple possibilities for product presentations.

Material of the year
The material takes a step back. Zinc instead of brass and chrome, natural oil instead of chemical paint. However, a special material is experiencing a strong upswing: terrazzo. Whether as a flat floor covering or, as this example illustrates, as a monolithic object, terrazzo will play a major role in 2019 in a wide variety of colours and shapes.
Importance for Retail
The trends of the "Salone del Mobile" are numerous and varied. We are happy to share these inspirations with you for the design of successful stores and to use them in our daily work. Find out more about trends and interesting facts about profitable shop design in our Shop Academy seminars. Would you like to incorporate the latest trends into your shop immediately? No problem. Contact umdasch Shop Consult and get the designs first hand!