Interactive Applications
Shopfitting with an experience character
The shopfitting professionals at umdasch know how to transform a conventional Point Of Sale into a world of experience with a return factor. Be it interactive price and product checkers, Lift & Learn systems, touch screens for extended sales counters, the linking of social media with local screens or gamification approaches, umdasch does it all.
Uniform and seamless communication with the customer across all channels is the key to building a loyal customer base that will continue to generate sales in the future. This goal can only be achieved if you build a bridge between your digital and physical brand presence. Using our experience, we support you in selecting and implementing the appropriate interactive solutions for this task.
Take a journey through selected interactive tools from umdasch Digital Retail or let us advise you personally on your holistic digital customer journey. We offer integrated processes and holistic concepts!
Sensor technology
Combine the tactile experience of your products with the advantages of the digital world! Lift & Learn systems, for example, offer an exciting opportunity to present your products to the consumer from all angles. By interacting with the product, for example when removing it from the rack, additional information appears on the screen. Product comparisons with such sensory technologies are also an obvious option. This is a playful approach that encourages customers to take a closer look at the product range and offer them useful added value. Even 3D-printed models of larger products can use RFID chips and NFC technology to transfer information to the screen when placed on the corresponding field.
Connected Retail
Connect customer interests and mobile possibilities with a stationary world of experience. Digital displays can be used to personalise customer communications. For example, the purchase histories or interests of individual customers can be used for Business Analytics means. As a result, each customer receives targeted purchase incentives tailored to their personal needs. In times of Instagram and Co., customers are literally looking for ways to share their experiences with the community. Connect stationary screens with social media accounts and turn your customers into fans & followers and vice versa!

Price & Product Checker
The price and product checker shows buyers both the current price and provides additional information about the scanned product. The purchasing assistant thus adds an extra dimension to your customer service.
- Always current prices and product information
- Cross-Promotion possible
- Sales support through text-image video
- Stable and sustainable usage
- Low maintenance

Touchscreens & -walls
Touch devices present products and services precisely, offer orientation in the product range, serve as signposts and bring communication channels together. The advantages of touch systems are as extensive as the variety of applications and designs available. Creating interaction between you and your target groups, touchscreens noticeably increase the attention and length of stay of visitors as well as the willingness to buy your products. The interplay of touch content and classic digital signage messages is particularly efficient. Combined with advertising and information, you can tap into the full potential of your solution. You can ensure the sales and image-promotions produce successful results, even when the touch functionality is not actively used.