Start-up, Pop-up, Fold-up!
Whether for the revitalisation of city centres by filling empty stands, for the temporary staging of seasonal goods in aisle areas or as exhibition furniture: Fold-up! makes it possible. With combinable modules, it's the perfect stage for products of all types, shapes and dimensions.
Simply Built Up.
Fold-up! is designed for easy self-assembly. In just a few minutes, you can screw together the individual basic rameworks and insert the shelves of your choice. This efficient option allows you to modify to suit product pressure and expand or quickly stow away the shelves as required.

Assembly Structure
A Fold-up! shelf consists of two to four basic modules. For all three combinations, suitable shelves of various dimensions are available. As required, add-ons such as rear walls, information boards, clothes hangers and much more can be fitted.

Design According to Your Wishes
With many different design options for frames, powder coating or brasss, well as the insert compartments we realise individual solutions for your requirements. With our Fold-up! sets, we offer you solutions for the most common applications.

Something for Everyone
Take advantage of the well thought-out possibilities that we deliver to you in pre-configured sets, providing the optimum solution for every application. Order the sets or design your store completely individually using add-ons.

Various Coatings and surfaces possible
Unbeatable price/performance ratio
Specially developed for temporary use
Reacts flexibly to assortments and product size