Be on the safe side:
The umdasch battery collection box ensures correct disposal

Collecting batteries made easy – the umdasch battery collection box is a fire-proof housing for the standardised cardboard collection box and is used for the safe storage of batteries and accumulators that are subject to return, which can lead to fires that are difficult to extinguish and can harm the environment if disposed of incorrectly.
Solid construction, sophisticated technology
The great advantage of lithium batteries and accumulators is their high energy density, but if disposed of improperly, the batteries are a fire hazard. If they are heated or mechanically damaged, the stored residual energy can be released in an uncontrolled manner, which can lead to a thermal explosion and subsequently to a fire with very high temperatures. With the help of the newly developed battery collection box from umdasch The Store Makers, the risk of a possible battery fire can be effectively contained.
The umdasch battery collection box consists of fire-retardant insulating panels and is encased in a solid and powder-coated metal housing. The base is a stainless steel plate which provides additional protection against leaking battery acid. The insertion opening limits the battery size and closes automatically by means of a spring mechanism after it has been actuated.

Fire expert's report confirms the effect
The fire protection expert opinion of a state-certified civil engineering office in Austria confirms that the battery collection box is the appropriate method for risk reduction during collection. The spread of fire is effectively contained for about 30 minutes. To be on the safe side, new batteries can also be temporarily stored in the box. The fire-retardant properties of the collection box provide additional safety when storing batteries in the storage area.
Proper disposal to protect the environment
Currently, far too many batteries and accumulators still end up in residual waste, which is not only dangerous but also harmful to the environment. Batteries contain valuable raw materials that can be recycled and reused if disposed of properly. Incorrect disposal leads to the loss of these precious resources. Gerold Knapitsch, Managing Director umdasch Food Retail, is enthusiastic about the newly developed product: "We are glad to be able to offer a safe way of collecting batteries and accumulators with the battery collection box and at the same time contribute to their sustainable disposal and to increasing the collection rate."
The European Directive on Batteries and Accumulators stipulates that retail companies must accept old batteries from consumers and dispose of them properly. This also applies if no new batteries are purchased and the goods to be disposed of were not bought from the company. This makes the umdasch battery collection box of interest to numerous retailers and large retail chains.