"Feels like Home" in the House of Swisscom

Swisscom has opened its new experience and competence centre in Basel, Switzerland. Across an area of 320 m2, private and corporate customers can discover new products in the field of telecommunications and find inspiration for the latest trends. The Store Makers from umdasch were also part of the project.
A warm welcome from the friendly receptionists, first-class coffee specialities from the professional bar staff, advice on equal terms in the living-room-type atmosphere and inspiring conversations at the bar – Swisscom has reworked established retail traditions and re-invented the purpose of the sales area. The Swiss telecommunications and IT concern recently opened its new experience and competence centre for advice, customer service and shopping for the next generation in Basel. The design concept was created in cooperation with Instinct Laboratory, an agency which specialises in behavioural research and shop concepts. The Store Makers from umdasch were also involved in the design process together with other shopfitting companies. They provided expert support in the realisation of the Academy seminar room and the adjacent kitchen station.
A concept to make visitors feel at home
Advice is provided in the cosy living room and the latest products are in the Innovation Zone. The best choice of accessories can be combined at the accessories bar and appliances are repaired in the Repair Centre while the owners enjoy a coffee with a home-made sandwich or a delicious mini-cheesecake. In the “House of Swisscom” at Marktplatz 11 in Basel city centre, customers enter a home rather than a shop. “That is exactly how you will feel here – welcome and relaxed,” explained Helia Burgunder, the director of the Swisscom Shop. “We have created the appropriate area for all requirements – regardless of whether a customer wants detailed advice, has a specific article in view, comes with a specific question or wants to find ideas from our innovative products. But it is also possible just to have a coffee and spend some time here,” continued Helia Burgunder. If the new concept is successful a rollout is planned in other Swisscom stores and new branches will also be opened in larger cities.

The Swisscom Academy – umdasch was involved in the design
Swisscom combines competent specialists and a wide variety of services under one roof and thus creates an all-round experience for the customer. Now House of Swisscom is also incorporating the Swisscom Academy, which was previously in Wallstrasse. During the past ten years Swisscom and the range of courses offered by its Academy have already accompanied 350,000 people on their way into the interlinked world. In a windowless room in the interior of the premises, umdasch has created a remarkable highlight and has thus made an important contribution to the relaxed and welcoming atmosphere of the House of Swisscom and especially to the well-being of those taking part in the courses. Special light boxes, integrated into old window frames, simulate a realistic view of the Rhine panorama of Basel. The light as it enters looks natural and thus opens up the space. The table developed by umdasch can simply be stored away and the seating concept can be used flexibly and adapted to the varied course programme at Swisscom. Multi-function kitchen furnishings provide the course participants with refreshments during breaks as they eagerly absorb the knowledge, thereby rounding out the congenial atmosphere.
Photo Credits: © Swisscom (Schweiz) AG