L’Osteria, Metzingen: Mamma Mia! Where Grande Amore meets GC

The Outlet City in Metzingen has acquired a new attraction: the new restaurant L’Osteria in the Enzian Höfe. umdasch The Store Makers confidently directed the project as General Contractor through the turbulent times of the pandemic, so that the successful restaurateurs in Nuremberg could focus on their favourite role – that of providing hospitality.
General Contracting - supreme discipline in shopfitting
Man lives for less than a hundred years, but worries about a thousand, observes the old adage. This applies all the more when there are several dozen openings to be implemented in a year and you often don’t know whether you’re coming or going. That´s why the FR L´Osteria SE brought umdasch on board. The Store Makers assumed responsibility for all the construction work so that the brand gastronomy could concentrate on their favourite role – that of providing hospitality. And could do what they like doing most – developing new locations. This time it was in Metzingen, in the former Enzian Soap Factory, now known as the Enzian Höfe.
General Contracting is regarded as a challenge even in normal times, because it means taking over the complex construction tasks on the customer’s behalf and coordinating and supervising all the trades involved. In the time of the pandemic this all-round service becomes the supreme challenge, and what counts is customer proximity, short distances and perfect timing. But even the side-effects of the coronavirus did not really result in the trades operating out of synch; the intended opening date at the beginning of December would have been achievable if politics had not thwarted the project. And so the L´Osteria Metzingen opened its doors in June; it is the 135th location for the brand gastronomy, and is also personally run.

The details matter...
The cooperation was correspondingly intensive. As befits a genuine L´Osteria, even the extension works were tackled energetically and passionately – whether it was the major topics for the technical building equipment (TGA) that were planned, the colour scheme, or just which radiators should be used in the 250 square-metre interior. Despite individual solutions and plan adjustments during the ongoing process, the experienced professionals in the umdasch General Contracting team used their project management skills to direct the implementation of the construction processes. In doing so they maintained the quality at a high level. For example, in the case of the lighting: “Everything can now be illuminated or dimmed individually,” explained Marco Gösling, Managing Director of umdasch General Contracting, “even the extractor hood in the kitchen.” Gosling went on to explain that no manufacturer on the market had anything like that in its range of products. At the end of the day, all challenges were mastered and the one or other extra loop was well worth it.

A concept with chic and charm
“Our cooperation was carried out in a true spirit of partnership. We discussed everything very openly and when necessary spoke on the telephone instead of writing long e-mails,” explained Frank Föll, who accompanied the project for umdasch from the beginning as Business Development Manager. “I have never been in a single L’Osteria in which I did not feel at home.” Metzingen is no exception: a long expanse of transom windows, open ceiling constructions with concrete supports, convincing in their original charm, an impressive high ceiling with loft-like dimensions, fair-faced concrete on all sides, and of course the famous subway tiles and the essential bentwood furniture and brass mountings. And those who experience déjà-vu in the face of the 1950s and 1960s chic in the bar will find themselves standing a few metres further in front of a large table and marveling at the unique and richly decorated ceiling element, reminiscent of times gone by.

Also in Metzingen: in matters of design, L’Osteria shows its accustomed love of detail. After all, design is a matter for the boss in Upper Franconia, and so this latest branch, with its additional rooftop terrace restaurant extending across 280 square metres, once again bears the signature of its L´Osteria founder, the passionate restaurateur, Friedemann Findeis. And the Store Makers at umdasch have also demonstrated once more that life really can be a bowl of cherries. Even if the Customer Journey means surpassing yourself like the oversized pizzas that exceed the size of the plate – the USP of each and every L’Osteria. And the same thing applies to the Outlet City Metzingen: you can eat as much as you like, but you will never be able to see all you would like.