INTERSPAR Ljubljana Aleja Center

INTERSPAR Ljubljana Aleja Center
The current ASPIAG (Austria-SPAR-International AG) model market concept offers numerous special features with some 40,000 products and makes the hypermarket, which extends across 3,800 square metres, into a pleasurable experience. The Store Makers from umdasch were their partners for the furnishing and shopfitting. The highlights include several Solid Dispensers by umdasch in cooperation with HL Display, enabling the packaging-free purchase of nuts and dried fruits. For the convenience and take-away concept “SPAR to go”, the Store Makers produced the service desks and the cladding for the chilling units behind. The result is an attractive stage for freshly prepared pizzas, snacks, salads and sandwiches.
“umdasch has repeatedly proved itself throughout our long-standing partnership with the way it contributes good ideas as well as its excellent implementation of the demands of our ASPIAG concepts.”
The “Energy Zone” was fitted with a complete chilling unit for the first time and provides a special focus in the drinks section.